Monday, December 28, 2009

Sharing from a Volunteer

Below, a volunteer reflects about a first time experience serving at the Mission. We appreciate the sacrificial giving of time and energy that each volunteers invests into the ministry. Thank you for sharing this story too...

My son and I served in the kitchen last night and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We would like to do it on a monthly basis. The staff was very kind and the folks we were serving surprised me. I didn't realize how much the Mission does in a holistic approach to helping people heal and the tools that are available to foster them into a healthy and fruitful life. I don't think I mentioned to you that I have 17 years in recovery (AA) so I have spent plenty of time around those that are malnourished and in constant relapse. Your residents look so healthy - it's fabulous. Tom (I think that was his name) explained that a lot of it is the 3 nutritious meals per day.

I believe God has a role for me at Water Street. I'm learning to listen and be patient - I don't know what He has in store, but I'm suspecting it's not in the kitchen although I look forward to serving much more often. I'm one of those volunteer types that'll do anything and then ask what else needs to be done. Just put me to work :)

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