Thursday, May 06, 2010

New Life Blooms

As I sit in my office watching the blossoms blow off the trees in the prayer garden, I am so thankful for this peaceful place where hurting women can start taking off the layers that have been smothering their souls and be revived with new life.

When Stella* first came she struggled a lot with the program- not caring or sharing with the other women. Through her trials she was motivated to pursue a relationship with her Lord Jesus and he has transformed her life in a beautiful way! Just recently I was driving her to an appointment and she pointed out how pretty the trees were with their blossoms and how green everything was. Before her transformation it would not have been likely for her to point these things out, she was focused on struggle going on inside of her. I shared with Stella the changes I’ve seen in her and we talked about how awesome it is that when we love the Lord and the people around us, it changes our vision- we see things differently.

Lydia Center is not always full of peace but it is so good to know that even through the turbulent times God is working, desiring to bring people to himself and giving new life!

*name has been changed

Joy Gehman • Lydia Center, Case Worker

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