Monday, May 10, 2010

Reflections on the Achievement within one man’s Journey

Matt* came to WSM directly from Lancaster County Prison several years ago with only the clothes on his back. He was only 18, had not finished high school, and did not have an intact family situation to return to from prison. This young man became like a sponge and absorbed the healing water that faith in Christ and a new way of life had to offer him. As his Program Counselor I got the joy of walking with him through realizing that forgiveness was free and a new life was ahead. We shared some difficult seasons as well including the death of his mother.

In just a few months Matt passed all 5 GED tests and completed our Residential Recovery Program in less than one year. He obtained several jobs and commuted to Thaddeus Stevens for several semesters. Surprising himself and others, Matt pulled a decent grade point average. During this time Matt was involved in his local church and maintained a continuous relationship with his mentor. The day came when campus housing was a reality and this young man moved out to a new living situation.

My role as a Program Counselor includes many moments of joy! Matt’s walk with God and others into a new future has been an exhilarating time. He is still in communication with the staff and residents at the Mission and is managing life at school and work quite well. I count it an honor to have the opportunity to walk with men in their individual journeys, and praise the Lord for Matt!

*Name has been changed
Jim Stanton • Program Counselor

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