Thursday, October 28, 2010

Seeing Change at the Lydia Center

Change can be good or bad. Either way, it can “rock” our world. It makes us unsteady and off kilter, at least for a little while.

The ladies at the Lydia Center face constant challenges to their thinking and behavior. It has been my privilege over the past few weeks to watch one young lady deal with the struggle of change in her life. The changes are healthy changes, but they are ripping out everything that she has believed about herself and her life. The struggle is evident and painful to watch. However, there is great encouragement in watching this struggle.

Jesus promises to “make all things new.” Birthing new beliefs and attitudes is just as arduous as the birth of a baby. There is usually discomfort and pain, which is necessary to the birthing process. But, oh the joy that comes to all involved when that “new creature” enters this world. Be thankful for the pain that comes with change.

Donna Doutrich • Lydia Center, Ministry Assistant


coasterkim said...

Thanks for this's very timely for me. Going through a change right now but I believe it's all for the good.

Sarah said...

I enjoy reading up about what is going on in the Lydia Center. Thank you for making this blog (and the blessings you are a part of) public. What a precious gift!

Anonymous said...

Great work you all are doing!!

Water Street Life said...

Thanks for your encouraging words, and for sharing about the connection you felt with this story. I'll pass this on to the ladies at the Lydia Center, as I'm sure it'll mean a lot to them. Peace to you! Janae - from Teen Haven