Tuesday, November 09, 2010

'Challenges,' from Men’s Ministry – Part 1

The Men’s Ministry team has prepared some short testimonies in response to the question, “Where did you experience a challenging situation at WSM in the past month? How did you see God meet the need?”

"God met my need in helping me accept people by getting passed my preconceived notions. God met my need by giving me an understanding that I shouldn’t be a stumbling block in the path of my brothers and others." - Intern Jerome

"I have met two very young men in the past week that do not know Christ. The challenge I have recognized was overcome when God allowed me to share some of His truth with them individually so we were able to build a relational bridge." - Jim Stanton

"God met the needs at the Family Day activities. He met it with kindness and a smile!" - Intern Bob

"One of my challenges has been to stay positive and joyful in the face of a medical diagnosis that is chronic. God has been challenging me to pursue Him and to trust Him even when He changes the plans I had made for my life. He has been teaching me that I am known to Him and He knows my needs." - Sue Pearce, Learning Center

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