Thursday, November 11, 2010

'Challenges' from Men's Ministry - Part 2

Here are the remaining testimonites from the Men’s Ministry team in response to the question, “Where did you experience a challenging situation at WSM in the past month? How did you see God meet the need?”

“When a CES guest got up close and personal I experienced God’s protection through others who came to my aid and blocked him from harming me.” – Philip Wrightstone

“I have seen God facilitate several conversations and help the people involved communicate.” – Jon Shacklett

“God met the needs of the men at WSM, and he provided all the personal help that I am able to receive." - Intern Howard

“God used the team work of Men’s Ministry to develop a positive experience for our guests during the Family Day event!” – Mark Noel

"A client I had no hope of getting benefits for - now unexplainably has full benefits! This client is teaching me to trust God and commit ALL to Him."

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