Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An unexpected Gift

A candid reflection about gift giving. Have you ever received a similar blessing from a gift that you gave?

Concerned for the amount of time our son spent playing video related games, we decided to make it an “electronics free” Christmas this year. Of course his wish listed included various video game requests, even an ipod (we were not ready for that one). Our thought was to find a gift that would be engaging as well as entertaining. We decided upon tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters. This activity would be visually stimulating yet not involve a power cord. It would also afford me some one on one time with my son.

The trip to Hershey started with conversation around sports, as it so often does, but at some point we got on a discussion about Sunday School. This led to why I thought it was important and if it really mattered to God if we went to church. WOW - truly meaningful conversation! I shared a few things and in time the topic changed back to the games of the day and before we knew it we had arrived.

The Globetrotters were hilariously entertaining. We both seemed to enjoy ourselves. He thanked me for taking him to see “the funniest basketball players in the world”. Traveling home we talked about various things, but nothing so compelling as before.

As I kneeled by his bed side saying our prayers that night I realized the impact of the day. My son’s prayer contained this praise … “and thank you God for loving me and wanting me to go to church so I can worship you and for my Dad who loves me too.” I believe I was the recipient of the true gift of Christmas on that night.

- Keith Shetter, Director of Donor Relations


Anonymous said...

love this post!! keep up the good work of being a Christian parent--the highest calling!

Water Street Life said...

And isn't it exciting to know that in God's kingdom we are called to invest in lives of our brothers and sisters, and essentially serve as mothers and fathers of those who are looking to learn and grow in Christ? Thanks for your encouragement!