Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Farewell to a good friend

Our Men's Ministry Director, Aaron Eggers, left Water Street last week to take a new position at a sister rescue mission in Salem, Oregon. During chapel on his last day with us, present and former residents had the opportunity to share with him and each other about the impact he made in their lives. Here are a few of their comments:

"I appreciated your willingness to be vulnerable by acknowledging your own weaknesses with us. I often thought, if you (as the Director) are willing to do that, I should be too - if I want to grow in Christ."

"I never met anybody who 'kept it real' like you."

"You modeled for us what it meant to live authentically as a Christian man."

"You taught me to see myself as God sees me."

"You made me look at myself - for the first time."

"You taught me to value grace which I 'trampled on' for most of my life."

"You've been an important part of my journey."

"I'm grieving that you are leaving."

"I've known Aaron since the first day he came here. He has helped both my self and my husband in our struggles."

The photo above shows the men praying for Aaron at his last chapel at WSM. Our thoughts and prayers are with Aaron as his journey with Christ takes him to his new role in Salem. We are grateful to God for his time here and the impact he had on the ministry, the men, and all of us.

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