Thursday, June 16, 2011

Overwhelmed by Change

How often has any one of us been overwhelmed by the expectation of change? External changes can disrupt many things in our day. But what about internal changes? How do we respond when God is asking us to think differently, respond differently or allow ourselves to feel again?

I am amazed as I watch the power of God at work in the lives of the women who come to the Lydia Center, who everyday are challenged to face change. Most often fear is the obstacle to that change. Fear of failing, fear of the unknown and often fear of being overwhelmed with emotions that have been avoided or buried for many, many years. This frequently brings each of them to a crossroads in their journey of change. Do they take the risk or do they stay where they are? As we encourage the ladies to turn their eyes upon Jesus it also reassures me that I can do likewise in my own journey of change. As King David wrote, “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock [that] is higher than I. (Ps. 61:2 KJV).

Tina Hildebrand
Lydia Center Counselor

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