Today I’ve been working on the plans for a leadership retreat for our Teen Haven youth and some of our partnering churches. I’m really struggling coming up with a “catchy”, or “hip”, or “urban” sounding title for it. And I’ve finally decided (with help from Lisette –one of our staff) that it doesn’t really matter.
The point is the content, the fellowship, and the investment we will be making in our youth that weekend, not whether we have a great title or fancy brochure that gets the kids hyped up for it. On that weekend, we will be talking about the potential that resides in each of these youth to become an “oak of righteousness” (check out Isaiah 61:1-4) and the impact they can have on their cities. (Maybe some other time I’ll share how God has been challenging me through these verses)
Each of the teens that are involved in Teen Haven is like an acorn, full of the incredible potential to become a towering oak. But just like an acorn, certain things need to be present in their lives to bring that potential to its fruition.
An acorn needs 1- the right kind of soil, 2- sufficient water and sun, 3- fertilizer, and 4- timely pruning and care to reach its ultimate potential.
Each of our youth needs 1- to be planted in a nurturing environment (home or church family), 2- to be fed by the Word of God and times of communion with the Lord, 3- the presence of trials that mold and build us up in our faith, 4- timely refining and pruning in our lives to help us remove the things that hold us back from being what God wants us to be.
I may never come up with just the “right” title for our retreat, but as long as each teen who attends that weekend leaves knowing the incredible potential that God has created in them and desiring to see that potential realized, I’ll be happy.
-Jack Crowley, Teen Haven Director
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