Tuesday, April 25, 2006


What is one of the most exciting experiences in my life?

  • Joshua 1 and Psalm 1 tie this activity to success.
  • I have had the joy of sharing this with clients and have personally experienced the benefits from this activity while at Liberty University.
  • A day I had been deeply troubled, the sorrow turned to joy when involved with this.

The activity is meditation on Scripture.

My father told me that all forms of meditation are passive except for meditation on Scripture. It starts with memorizing a passage of Scripture and studying it to understand. From there meditation can begin. This involves personalizing the passage in prayer, then repeating the section, emphasizing a different word, and finally defining each word as far as possible in its context.

This activity redirects the mind, will and emotions.

The goal is not to feel good (that is a benefit), but glorifying God in communion with Him.

-Michael Haines, chaplain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great article Michael, thanks for sharing it! Great idea on meditation - you must have had a wise father! Keep 'em coming! Chuck