Friday, October 20, 2006

I have to change my view...

Pursuant to a recent discussion on valuing accountability with one of our men, Sue Pearce (co-worker and Learning Center Instructor) sent the following response:

“I have to change my view on how we can love a person and hate the sin, and on how to offer grace to someone. I was torn between wanting to rescue this man once again and shouting at him to open his eyes and see the truth about himself and others. I am not experienced at seeing beneath the surface and I realize I am going to have to learn a lot. It scares me to be in a position where I would have to make decisions that can send the person back to the "pig-sty" until he is broken. I don't like being in that position... I feel out of my depth. However, I understand why this has to be.”

It is heart-warming to be on the same page with our co-workers, especially when they genuinely “get it”. My general way has been to voraciously research something; meticulously setting all my ducks in neat little rows; charting all possible options; marching forward like a mighty Army. Sue simply said, “I have to change my view…” then asked me to walk it out with her. This is the very essence of accountability.

Accountability is surely not for the faint of heart. Scripture often touches on the value of this characteristic in one who would be the “Noble Warrior” (the one who will, in love, not shrink back from Truth). It is often in the “pig-sty” where we come to our senses (like the prodigal). It is only in Love that our God inflicts the pain of discipline on us. The Noble one will not hold back due consequences, no matter the pain—for to do so is unloving. We hurt because we do not “see” the solution; He hurts because He does see it—His precious Son, on a cruel Cross and in a cruel Hell; paying for our Sin.


- Norm Lowry, Learning Center Coordinator

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