Urban ministry is not always fine dining and caviar (oops, is it ever) or even a bed of roses - sometimes it smells a bit different. The story below is from Alex Mikusow, our York Teen Haven Field Director who lives in our TH Center in the city of York:
Last summer my basement flooded due too a raw sewage backup of the city sewer. Because I'm the lowest point on the block I had about 20 inches of water in my basement. It wasn't pleasant or joyous.
But then the Lord sent his saints to my rescue and encouragement.
Daniel, my next door neighbor who attends my Bible study and is a cabin supervisor at our camp, came over to help. My brother Vinny, our camp director, also arrived with bleach, brooms and brushes to help me out. By the end of the evening the city came and helped pump out what they could as well. They were also able to unclog the blockage.
But the real joy was remembering what James said, "Count it all joy when you encounter various trials, knowing that the trying of your faith produces patience". My brothers in Christ helped me to remember what I already knew.
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