Sometimes We need to think outside of our normal programs in order tomeet the needs of those God brings our ways. Here is another example of with from our Teen Haven ministry in Philadelphia:
Last month three girls finally attended camp from the Hill family. For months they were trying to come to camp but other church activities the children were involved in forced them to cancel.
After attending in January the girls had a great time and went back and shared with their parents. The girls were really interested in attending our Bible Study on Tuesday nights, but they lived outside of our normal boundaries. After talking with their mother about different options, and trying to make it work, we concluded that the girls would not be arriving home until well after 10pm which would not work for a school night. Needless to say, the girls, their mom and I were all disappointed.
Their mother was still determined. She is concerned that their youth group is more focused on games and social time and isn't helping the girls to grow spiritually. I offered to mail four quiet-time books and four notebooks to her and her girls that they would be able to be doing what we do at Bible study. She was so excited that she said she would pay for the postage by sending in a donation. I also suggested that I would be willing to come to her home once a month with some girls from Bible study and do a lesson with her and her girls and have the leaders check her girls quiet-times. She thought that would be great and said she would provide lunch for us.
We are excited for the start of this new relationship and for the ooportunities to connect not only with this family, but even their church as well. God is making a way even outside of our normal way of doing things.
-Oddet Mears, Teen Haven Philly
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