I have had the opportunity to serve as a member of the Water Street Rescue Mission Team in a variety of roles (during the past seven years) and in June 2007 transitioned into the position of Men’s Ministry Chaplain. Since June 2007, I have encountered many hurting souls that the Lord has brought to our campus. Although each of these ladies and gentlemen has a unique reason for coming to Water Street, the Lord calls us to serve and love them regardless of their past experiences. It is during the intense moments with those whom Jesus calls “The Least of These” in Matthew 25:40 that I have learned and grown the most.
As I reminisce back over the previous five years I spent at Teen Haven, as a youth counselor, I am grateful. It was during this season where I was groomed and prepared for my calling to work with the men at Water Street. Although I loved the young people (who are now getting older) that I ministered to, I (along with others in leadership) believed Men’s Ministry was where God was leading me next. I sensed that this is the purpose which the Lord had truly created (and redeemed) me for—to encourage those who are broken and have been marginalized into the shadows of life. Yes, my heart burns for what the Lord has called me to, but I would be dishonest if I said that it was anything like I had expected it to be.
For the past thirty-seven weeks, my heart has been conflicted with the joy, pain, and confusion that I have experienced here “in the trenches.” There was a time recently when I questioned if this is really what the Lord was leading me to. I had felt ill-equipped, and had become discouraged. Even after seeing (firsthand) the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit on display, I have also watched people leave who mistakenly thought they “had it.” From that group there have been some who have come back, some who leave after coming back, and even some who have died.
As I reflected on the Lord and met with “the wise people” in my life, I have become re-centered that this is exactly where I am to be. I am reminded by Paul’s writing in 2 Corinthians as he wrote about his dialogue with the Lord,” My grace is sufficient for you; my power is made perfect in weakness” (12:8). I also am beginning to see that this isn’t about me. As I walk “with fear and trembling” through this initial year in Men’s Ministry, I am blessed to do so with the support of my family, mentors, and leadership here at the Mission. I will keep you posted as the construction continues.
-Michael Anthony Kerrigone Jr., Men's Ministry
1 comment:
Mr. Kerrigone,
Many of us partner with you and feel our call to ministry also. Life in the trenches of rescue and renewal work is very challenging, and "YES", very heartwrenching. Isaiah 61 "The SPIRIT of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners." You have good company, brother! To God be the glory.
Chaplain Jim
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