Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reaching for a Promise

At the Lydia Center staff continuously discover creative ways to encounter the Lord and bring those encounters into the ministry. Through the following unexpected experience, Paula, the Kitchen Manager at Lydia Center shares a story of how God’s promises were revealed to her…

After a frustrated moment in my day, I logged off my computer and reached for ‘a promise’. If you knew me well, you would probably jump to the conclusion that this ‘promise’ was a piece of chocolate. Not this time.

In my first year at the Lydia Center I was given a beautifully hand painted wooden box. The artist’s brush filled the top of the box with a bouquet of roses. They are a delight to my eye. But the real treasure lies within the box. Nestled there are strips of paper with verses of scripture printed on them. Each one is a promise for me from my heavenly Father.

Today my promise was from Proverbs 3:5. “Lean not unto thine own understanding but trust in the Lord with all your heart.”

No wonder I was not accomplishing anything to my satisfaction. I had been so busy trying to get things done on my own that I was forgetting to trust God. I went to my knees, asked for forgiveness and said a prayer of thanksgiving. Then I tackled my next task with God at my side.

Who knows. When I finally get my desk cleared off maybe I’ll find some chocolate…….

- Paula Sentgeorge, Kitchen Manager - Lydia Center

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