Monday, April 13, 2009

Two birthdays (for one girl) at camp

Last weekend at Teen Haven Camp eleven young ladies came to the Lord, six of these ladies had made first-time decisions to accept Christ.

Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Director shares the following story of how God’s grace was at work in the midst of this weekend.

“It was Friday night and the young ladies started settling in the cafeteria. As they shuffle in, one young lady stood out dramatically. Her right eye was partially shut and discolored. On her forehead was a huge lump, covered with gauze and tape. As we talked, Talia* informed me that a car hit her on Thursday.

I was taken back when Oddet called me over and shared a note from her mother. I was amazed, as I read the following.

To whom it May Concern:
Talia was hit by a car on Thursday 4/2/09. A doctor at the emergency room saw her and she is fine. The bruise over her right eye is from the accident and it is okay. She does not need any medication for it. She is to keep the bandage clean and dry. If you have any questions feel free to call me.

I went back to Talia and asked her to fill me in on the details of the accident. She looked
at me with a smile, squinting, and said, “ I was crossing the street when a car hit me. When it hit me, it made me hit another car with my head.” She then smiled and said, “Today is my birthday.” I wished a happy birthday and off she went.

We kept a close eye on her all weekend. Talia turned out be a spunky and energetic young lady. Sunday morning we presented her with a birthday present and sang Happy Birthday to her.

There was a double blessing as we sang to her. Talia was celebrating two birthdays.
The One that spared her life Thursday presented her with eternal life on Saturday.
Happy Easter Talia!”

-Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Director

“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.”
Matthew 18:10
*name changed

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