Friday, May 29, 2009

What Teachers Do

Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children

Imagine the excitement of the Wonder Club Early Learning Center students, (pictured on the left) when their teacher arrived in full costume to tell the story of David & Goliath. It is through this type of creativity that children learn and grow together.

Most people who think about Water Street do not think about a preschool and kindergarten program. But one of the little known divisions of Water Street Ministries is the Wonder Club Early Learning Centers, a preschool and kindergarten for low income families in the city of Lancaster and the borough of Columbia. Each day between forty and forty five children arrive at Covenant United Methodist Church and twenty to twenty five at Columbia Mennonite Church for a day of learning. Another four to six are in the classroom we have at the Women’s Shelter. The job of corralling these eager beavers every day falls into the hands of our very competent Wonder Club teachers and assistants.

Do you ever think about the many hats a teacher wears in the space of one short day? Teacher, mom, grandmom, (sometimes dad or granddad –even though we are all women), cook, nurse, plumber, dishwasher, artist, counselor, psychologist, bathroom attendant, mediator, child care worker, bus driver, referee, librarian, repairman, comedian, – just to name a few. Perhaps no occupation requires more versatility and flexibility than that of a teacher.

The teacher must be alert and awake and ready to handle any thing that comes up in the space of a day. No matter how she feels emotionally or physically, she must appear to have it all together and ready to function. She must be able to think on her feet when suddenly what was working, no longer does and she needs a new idea to try. Teachers often talk about their “toolboxes”, that wealth of ideas on which to draw at a moment’s notice. They are always comparing notes with other teachers about what works and what doesn’t. They willingly share ideas and are not ashamed to “borrow” a good idea from someone else. They are always looking for ways to make learning a fun experience for the children in the class.
In May we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. If you haven’t had an opportunity to tell a teacher (whether a WC teacher or another teacher) how much you appreciate all they do, take the time to say “thank you!”

-Lorraine Brandt, Wonder Club Administrator

Pictured on the right, Wonder Club students circle in prayer time along with their teacher.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spring 2009 Graduate – Men’s Discipleship Center

David Nein, a recent graduate of Water Street Mission, reflects about his experience living in community through the Men’s Discipleship Center and how his life has truly been changed!

(above, David is pictured with his counselor, Jim Stanton)

I'd like to thank God for allowing Water Street Mission and Breakout Ministries, my church family, to be a part of my life and its changes. When I look back 13 months ago I couldn't see the reason I was even alive, I had no life. I lived to have another drink and do more drugs. I hurt the ones who cared about me the most. I couldn't see anyway out of the life I was living, I felt hopeless and helpless.

Now, I see how relationships built on love, honesty, caring, and compassion are the relationships God wants for me. I am building new relationships and mending the ones I've misused with my family that were good. Thank God I have a biological family that still loves me after all I put them through. The congregation of Breakout Ministries and my mentor, Mike Pierce, accepted me as I was and walked alongside of me throughout my journey here at Water Street Mission. A big risk with a great outcome happened when I visited a Bible study that I can walk to nearby in Lancaster city. Sam Pagan, the group leader, drew me to him through my respect for his knowledge of the Word of God and watching him walk in faith with his family. Mr. Pagan is now my second mentor.

My future looks so much brighter now than it ever did before. I have a long road ahead of me, but I know God will be with me to walk me through it. I must continue to trust that God is in control and include the people He has put in my life in every decision I make. I will never forget where I came from and how I got to where I am now. Last fall I was baptized to proclaim my faith in Jesus Christ. Membership into the Breakout Ministries congregation became official this year and with the friendships I have made I am now involved in the Hospitality Committee. These positive experiences encourage me to invite other people to take the risk and get involved in a local church that partnered with Water Street Mission and its programs. I did!

-David Nein, Spring 2009 Graduate of the Men’s Discipleship Center at Water Street Mission

(David Nein, along with the entiring graduate class and several staff are pictured together on the RIGHT)

For more details on the Men’s Discipleship Center visit our website at the following link:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Changed Lives at The Lydia Center

Sometimes I feel like a cheerleader watching a great “play” unfold when I see God transforming the lives of the women at the Lydia Center. One of those ladies whom I have the pleasure of working with is Lori. Lori has struggled with alcoholism since the age of 17 and battled with anorexia since she was 29. Now, at 42 she is a resident at the Lydia Center and has made several life changing decisions.

She writes:
“Since coming to the Lydia Center in October of 2008 many changes have occurred in my life. I have come to know Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I feel that God has put the ladies at the Lydia Center in my life. I am learning how to build friendships again and how to reach out to others. One of the best things about my relationship with God is that I know that God is always with me no matter where I go. I always have someone to talk to and pray to. The best thing of all is that God has given me a sense of peace inside and has filled the void in me that I have been searching to fill my whole life. I also have the love and trust of my sister again and that means the world to me.”

Lori also appreciates the opportunities she has in the Learning and Career Center. She is learning different programs on the computer, how to budget money and how to improve her work skills for the future.

In my five months knowing Lori, her whole demeanor has changed. In my first few meetings with her, she did not have much hope for her future and had a dismal outlook on life. I am simply amazed at the transforming power of Jesus in Lori’s life. Since God has come into her life Lori has been participating in classes, identifying lies and replacing those lies with God’s truth, and is falling in love with his Word. When I think of Lori’s life I think of the promise in Jeremiah 29:11 that God desires to give us a future of hope.

So, I will continue to cheer as I watch the exciting work of God unfold in the changed lives of the women at the Lydia Center. All glory and praise belongs to him for he is good.

Joy Gehman, Case Worker – Lydia Center

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Voices

It had been a long, busy day. Full of interruptions; God’s divine appointments, I like to remind myself. For brief moments throughout the day, the halls were silent. The K-4 class was taking their nap; Pre-k had gone to music class (thank you God for wonderful volunteers who dedicate their time to our little ones), and the Kindergarten was out to recess. For a brief half hour it was quiet, almost too quiet especially when the hum of little voices is usually somewhere in the background.

But now it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon and the school day has just ended. Parents are arriving to pick up their children and I am suddenly drawn out of my reverie by the sound of happiness. The children are bubbling over with enthusiasm just to tell their parents about the joys of their day. Excitement and enthusiasm abounds. Suddenly the ordinary seems extraordinary. There is joy in saying good-bye to their friends, not just one time but multiple times as they walk out together. The joy of greeting Mom or Dad or Grandparent or perhaps even the babysitter erupts in happy laughter in the excitement of telling about the day. Some of our children love to go around to all the teachers and say good-bye and give hugs. And sometimes just to say “I had a good day today.”

It’s these sounds of happiness and the joy we see on little faces that keep us going day after day!

-Lorraine Brandt, Wonder Club Administrator

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Allowing Interruptions to become Opportunities

Recently, in the parking lot right outside Outreach Ministries, Conrad Moore spent about thirty minutes with a man he intended to spend no more than five minutes with. Through this time of sharing he had the opportunity to lead this man to Christ. Although it seemed inopportune, God revealed that he had other intentions for the situation than were visible at first glance. Sometimes we encounter opportunities that seem more like interruptions in our schedules.
Conrad shares more…

Tom Smith was looking for a coat and was being rather persistent that it was urgent for him. Although I was thinking that I was way too busy, for some reason I came to understand his desire, and I was compelled to listen.
“Why are you just noticing that you have an urgent need for a coat? Did you sleep through winter?” I asked.
“I was in rehab,” he said. “And I gotta walk to Columbia for this job interview and it is cold.” Interestingly, the temperature wasn’t very cold and I pointed out that he already had a coat on.
Tom responded by stating, “Not warm enough. I need something under it maybe.”
After a big sigh I said “OK, but I’m really busy you have to do this in five minutes or less.”

While we were looking for a coat I smelled alcohol on his breath. I suggested that he reschedule the interview. “You are obviously not drunk and your eyes aren’t even red but the interviewer will still smell that alcohol just like I do.” He agreed it was a good idea to reschedule. I shared a bit of my history with substance abuse and 20 years of victory over it.

We came out of the clothing outlet into the bright sun lit parking lot. Just then almost as an afterthought as we were walking away from each other he said, “Now tell me again how you got sober.”

Although I thought I had just told him, I realized maybe I went too fast, so I shared again. “Long story short, I crawled out from under the Fourth Street bridge in Allentown went to the mission where I asked Christ into my heart at the evening service. What got my attention that night was a man who said ‘brother you look like you need God’s attention.’ He was right.”

Tom said, “That’s how I feel right now, like I need God’s attention.”
Much more conversation took place, and then I asked if there was a reason keeping him from asking Jesus into his heart right then.
He said “I’d like that. I really need Him.”
“Have you ever asked Him before now?” I asked.
He said no.
I led him in prayer.

Obviously, this encounter was not about the coat. I thank God for helping me see that. Seems we never know where, when or how God wants to use us. I love it when he does this kind of stuff.

It is humbling to think that my job duties almost got in the way of what God wanted me to do this morning.

Let’s keep Tom in our prayers.

Conrad Moore - Director of Community Ministries

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Please pray...Teen Haven Leadership Conference

On Friday, May 29, through Sunday, May 31, Over 70 teens (Teen Haven youth along with youth and leaders from local churches) will join together at Teen Haven Camp for ILLUMINATE 2009. This weekend is Teen Haven's Spring Leadership Conference and participants will be able to be challenged and encouraged to grow as leaders through workshops, fellowship & worship. The focus of the conference will be on these three topics:
- Who is THE LIGHT?
- Walk in THE LIGHT
- Carry the LIGHT

Will you join us in prayer as we lift up the workshop speakers, youth, and staff involved in Teen Haven's Spring Leadership Conference?

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful LIGHT.”

As I've been thinking about the concept of "Illuminate", I believe that God’s eternal light desires to ignite, illuminate even, each of our lives with a flame of hope and healing for the brokenness inside us and around us. When we choose to follow His calling I think we too can allow this light of life to beam inside of us… May we respond as God’s chosen ones and through His love… become a holy nation, and step up as ambassadors of praise to the darkness. And may we surround these young leaders with prayer as they desire to encounter the eternal LIGHT during ILLUMINATE 2009.

- Janae L. Dagen, Teen Haven Secretary
Photo, above, of Youth Leader's enjoying some down time at Teen Haven's Spring Leadership Conference 2008

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Serving and Supporting

Lately I've been giving thanks to God for all the people and especially families I see supporting the homeless. I've recently had 3 invigorating conversations.

First, I discovered that an exmissionite at a local nursing home (recovering from a head injury and month long coma!) indeed has family that cares about him and visits him regularly!

Then, just Friday I met a lifetime neighbor of one of our men in the Christian Life Development Program. He was glad his friend was getting help and wanted to stay involved in his life.

Finally, I had an encouraging conversation with a step grandfather of a former resident who left the mission very upset with me. The step grandfather helped me understand some background from the ex resident and he told me how they were reaching out to him but also holding him to boundaries.

In each of these conversations I am aware of the importance of relationships in our resident's lives - even if it isn't family - relationships are SO important. It's an honor to work with friends and families of our residents.

I thank God for all the friends and families of our residents past and present and I pray for even more to get involved. If you're interested please contact our Men's ministry director Aaron Eggers @ 358-2026

P.S. I am also constantly reminded of how blessed we are as staff at the Mission to have so many agencies in Lancaster County that we have the privilege of working with and who help our residents in so many ways. How lonely it would be……

-Chuck Albrecht, Men’s Ministry

Friday, May 08, 2009

his FAITHFULNESS endures

Even in the midst of trials, adversity, and fear God’s FAITHFULNESS shows up in many unexpected ways for both residents and staff at Water Street Ministries.

The scriptures and testimony below express how worthy our God is for the faithfulness he shares with us. He continually reveals that no matter how small or large our needs may be, HE has all we could ever need.

Isaiah 25:1[ Praise to the LORD ] O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.

Psalm 115:1Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

Psalm 89:1I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

God's FAITHFULNESS at The Lydia Center:
I love watching God supply our needs at the Lydia Center. As I have worked in the donation room over the past few months, I have noticed toiletry items that are running low. Usually, within the next two weeks, we receive donations of these items. This happens without ever mentioning these needs to anyone. I am learning not to be surprised by God’s faithfulness in meeting even the smallest of needs.

- Donna Doutrich, Ministry Assistant, Lydia Center

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Royalty Revealed through "Esther Treatment"

Last weekend at Teen Haven a group of 8 girls came to the first ever “Esther Treatment Retreat”. Below, Nina Maldonado shares her heart about the way that God showed up throughout the experience she shared with each of the young ladies who attended.

This was an amazing weekend, not exactly what I expected, but definitely how God wanted it. First off, out of 22 girls invited, 8 girls came to our Esther Treatment Retreat. God revealed that only those who were ready were there.

The goal was to serve these young ladies and treat them like queens by offering beauty treatments and talking about what real beauty is, inside and out. Also to impart to them that before they can make an earthly man their king, they must make Jesus their King of kings.

We enjoyed special sessions by Minelly Jimenez, Diana Serrano, Lynette Morales, Nina Maldonado, and Sandra Dean. The theme was royalty and the session topics were based on inner and outer beauty, being broken before the feet of Jesus, God’s amazing love for us, being married to the King of kings and the continual refining process of royalty. We had a beautiful banquet style meal where the girls dressed up in beautiful dresses and gowns and were served with love and excellence. We went to the creek, played volleyball and had great one on one time.

I believe that this weekend was a weekend of preparation. The process of being prepared as the bride of Christ has been established in the lives of these young ladies. I’m so excited to see what God will do next and that we get to be a part of it is a privilege.

All the girls that went were girls that never really had spent time together outside of Teen Haven in Lancaster. I was a little concerned that since it was a small group, the ice might be a little hard to break, but I was wrong. They connected instantly.

One young lady in particular, Tonya*, just started going to a new high school, McCaskey. She was expressing how she feels alone, like she’s the only Christian there. She didn’t know that two of the other girls with us also went to McCaskey. They invited her to bible club. Tonya left with new friendships and with new confidence, she knows that she’s not walking with Jesus alone at school.

Another young lady, Emily*, is interested in the student leadership program at Teen Haven. She has a heart for children and in her junior year at McCaskey. She has great potential, her heart is set in Christ and if it’s God’s will, we’ll have her on our leadership team this summer.

I thank God that He got us through the planning process with just enough energy to get us through the entire weekend as well. He’s amazing and His purpose surely was accomplished this weekend. We’ll continue to pray that these young ladies will continue to walk in the decisions to make the Lord their King and their Groom.

- Nina Maldonado, Lancaster Girls Program Coordinator, Teen Haven
*name changed

Monday, May 04, 2009

Classroom Kindness

Wonder Club Early Learning Center children are having fun finishing up the school year.
Teacher, Karen Smith, shares a bit about how God has been speaking to the children as they learn together…

The last few weeks we have been talking to the children and learning the passage of scripture in I Corinthians 13: 4-8, You know, “Love is patient , love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast…” We have been really learning this verse and explaining what it means.

Recently, while watching a Christian video on one of the Bible stories we have been learning about, one of the children perked up and said, " He isn't being very kind" in that, another replied " No, he is boasting!" That was great! Yes, he was. Boy do 4 and 5 year olds pick up and learn thing quickly. I just pray that they will always remember God and His word and apply it to their life.

-Karen Smith, Wonder Club

Friday, May 01, 2009

Open House this Weekend

This weekend at Water Street Ministries WE INVITE YOU to join us for our OPEN HOUSE. Here's a look at the schedule of activities. For a closer look just click on the schedule itself...

An exciting addition to the Open House is the "What Is Home" photo exhibit featuring children who live here at Water Street Ministries and their personal understanding of what "home" really means to them. The photo messages are shared from children at the Family Shelter along with students with Wonder Club Early Learning Centers.

Below is one of the images you'll see as a part of this display this weekend, but you'll have to visit the Open House to see the entire exhibit.
Hope to see you at our Open House!