(above, David is pictured with his counselor, Jim Stanton)
I'd like to thank God for allowing Water Street Mission and Breakout Ministries, my church family, to be a part of my life and its changes. When I look back 13 months ago I couldn't see the reason I was even alive, I had no life. I lived to have another drink and do more drugs. I hurt the ones who cared about me the most. I couldn't see anyway out of the life I was living, I felt hopeless and helpless.
Now, I see how relationships built on love, honesty, caring, and compassion are the relationships God wants for me. I am building new relationships and mending the ones I've misused with my family that were good. Thank God I have a biological family that still loves me after all I put them through. The congregation of Breakout Ministries and my mentor, Mike Pierce, accepted me as I was and walked alongside of me throughout my journey here at Water Street Mission. A big risk with a great outcome happened when I visited a Bible study that I can walk to nearby in Lancaster city. Sam Pagan, the group leader, drew me to him through my respect for his knowledge of the Word of God and watching him walk in faith with his family. Mr. Pagan is now my second mentor.
My future looks so much brighter now than it ever did before. I have a long road ahead of me, but I know God will be with me to walk me through it. I must continue to trust that God is in control and include the people He has put in my life in every decision I make. I will never forget where I came from and how I got to where I am now. Last fall I was baptized to proclaim my faith in Jesus Christ. Membership into the Breakout Ministries congregation became official this year and with the friendships I have made I am now involved in the Hospitality Committee. These positive experiences encourage me to invite other people to take the risk and get involved in a local church that partnered with Water Street Mission and its programs. I did!
-David Nein, Spring 2009 Graduate of the Men’s Discipleship Center at Water Street Mission
(David Nein, along with the entiring graduate class and several staff are pictured together on the RIGHT)
For more details on the Men’s Discipleship Center visit our website at the following link: http://waterstreetministries.org/Ministries/WaterStreetMission/MensDiscipleshipCenter.aspx
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