Conrad shares more…
Tom Smith was looking for a coat and was being rather persistent that it was urgent for him. Although I was thinking that I was way too busy, for some reason I came to understand his desire, and I was compelled to listen.
“Why are you just noticing that you have an urgent need for a coat? Did you sleep through winter?” I asked.
“I was in rehab,” he said. “And I gotta walk to Columbia for this job interview and it is cold.” Interestingly, the temperature wasn’t very cold and I pointed out that he already had a coat on.
Tom responded by stating, “Not warm enough. I need something under it maybe.”
After a big sigh I said “OK, but I’m really busy you have to do this in five minutes or less.”
While we were looking for a coat I smelled alcohol on his breath. I suggested that he reschedule the interview. “You are obviously not drunk and your eyes aren’t even red but the interviewer will still smell that alcohol just like I do.” He agreed it was a good idea to reschedule. I shared a bit of my history with substance abuse and 20 years of victory over it.
We came out of the clothing outlet into the bright sun lit parking lot. Just then almost as an afterthought as we were walking away from each other he said, “Now tell me again how you got sober.”
Although I thought I had just told him, I realized maybe I went too fast, so I shared again. “Long story short, I crawled out from under the Fourth Street bridge in Allentown went to the mission where I asked Christ into my heart at the evening service. What got my attention that night was a man who said ‘brother you look like you need God’s attention.’ He was right.”
Tom said, “That’s how I feel right now, like I need God’s attention.”
Much more conversation took place, and then I asked if there was a reason keeping him from asking Jesus into his heart right then.
He said “I’d like that. I really need Him.”
“Have you ever asked Him before now?” I asked.
He said no.
I led him in prayer.
Obviously, this encounter was not about the coat. I thank God for helping me see that. Seems we never know where, when or how God wants to use us. I love it when he does this kind of stuff.
It is humbling to think that my job duties almost got in the way of what God wanted me to do this morning.
Let’s keep Tom in our prayers.
Conrad Moore - Director of Community Ministries
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