Shaving cream, pet stores, sing-a-longs, and more… Watch how these experiences each help create the learning environment for children who are a part of Wonder Club Early Learning Centers. The video below, filmed by WJTL, visits two of the classrooms as parents, teachers, and staff share about the ways that their lives have been impacted by the lives of the children who are a part of these classrooms.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Salvation Stories Shared from Teen Haven Camp
1 Peter 4:10-11
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
The following stories reveal how the grace of God is equipping and strengthening many urban girls during their experiences at Teen Haven Camp during a recent week of summer camp:
During breakfast one girl approached Vinny, the Teen Haven Field director, and showed him the wrist bracelet she was wearing. It was designed to reflect the wordless bo
ok. The Gospel explained in color. And with little charms that symbolized the cross, heaven, heart, etc, she explained that she received that bracelet two summers ago and with that she also received a spiritual birth certificate. She shared that her mother insisted that she keep it in good shape, only wearing it on special occasions and to camp, a reminder to her of that special day. She mentioned that one charm got lost. Gina, a staff member of Teen Haven, was the one that made these bracelets and still had left over charms. She came up with the missing charm, the heart. We couldn't help but take photo. A smile, radiant and priceless. In rest and returning! The Lord leaves His fingerprint! (Her story is also captured on the Teen Haven video that WJTL filmed, and which is posted on the previous blog)
Another girl, injured her toe in the pool Tuesday, and went to the hospital Wednesday to make sure that everything was alright. During this time the staff had a wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ, one-on-one with her. Then on Thursday we found out that she had a slight fracture in her toe. Through this time we were able to minister to her physical needs, and on Thursday she accepted the Lord as her Savior. Made whole and STRONGER in Him!
Recently at Teen Haven Camp there were 35 young ladies who came for the week, and 20 in this group were first timers to camp. Praise God for his transformation in the lives of 18 girls who made decisions to know the Lord – and were made STRONG in HIM!!! 13 girls who accepted Christ were attending Teen Haven Camp for the very first time.
Please pray that God would continue to allow these girls to step out with a renewed identity as His chosen daughters, and that they would use the gifts He’s given them to glorify Him.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
The following stories reveal how the grace of God is equipping and strengthening many urban girls during their experiences at Teen Haven Camp during a recent week of summer camp:
During breakfast one girl approached Vinny, the Teen Haven Field director, and showed him the wrist bracelet she was wearing. It was designed to reflect the wordless bo

Another girl, injured her toe in the pool Tuesday, and went to the hospital Wednesday to make sure that everything was alright. During this time the staff had a wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ, one-on-one with her. Then on Thursday we found out that she had a slight fracture in her toe. Through this time we were able to minister to her physical needs, and on Thursday she accepted the Lord as her Savior. Made whole and STRONGER in Him!
Recently at Teen Haven Camp there were 35 young ladies who came for the week, and 20 in this group were first timers to camp. Praise God for his transformation in the lives of 18 girls who made decisions to know the Lord – and were made STRONG in HIM!!! 13 girls who accepted Christ were attending Teen Haven Camp for the very first time.
Please pray that God would continue to allow these girls to step out with a renewed identity as His chosen daughters, and that they would use the gifts He’s given them to glorify Him.
Teen Haven,
Teen Haven Camp,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Teen Haven Camp
Teen Haven Camp is a ministry located in Brogue, PA that welcomes urban youth from Lancaster, York, and Philadelphia. Check out the video below to hear testimonies of: Teen Haven campers, counselors, and staff as each person shares a glimpse into the experiences they’ve had as a part of Teen Haven Camp.
This video was filmed by WJTL.
This video was filmed by WJTL.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Volunteers Creating Impact

“I have the privilege of volunteering with Water Street Ministries once a month on an official vacation day from my full time job. Volunteering gives me tremendous satisfaction as I can align my value with the Mission’s Core Values.
The staff I interact with are more than staff members. They are so wholly committed to the mission of Water Street as evidenced by the conversations I have with them. I have no idea what their pay is (nor do I want to know) but I can feel they give 100% plus to the mission of Water Street. I consider it an honor to be able to give a few hours a month to support Eunice in the office.”
Warmest regards from Lancaster County,
Cheryl Deaven, Director of Membership & Community Outreach
PA Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Water Street Mission
Experience some of the life changes that are happening at Water Street Mission by watching the following video that was filmed by WJTL. Hear from residents, counselors, and staff as they share testimonies and reflect on the way that transformation has taken place in their lives during their experiences at Water Street Mission.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Urban Youth involved at Teen Haven York
Alex Mikusow is the Field Director of Teen Haven in York. Here, he shares a little bit about what God has been doing in the lives of the urban youth who are connected to the ministry of Teen Haven:
Several weeks ago, at our first week of summer camp, we had 5 boys from York city make decisions to accept Christ. Three of them were in one cabin. The Jesus film helped the boys see for themselves what Jesus Christ went thru from them. Yesterday, we had Bible study for these boys and 4 out of the 5 attended. It is amazing how much they don't know about the Word of God, as we continue to teach through the Word of God.
The involvement of youth in York continues outside of camp too! Recently we partnered with a local church to put on a Youth Rally in the city. Over 20 teens from the church joined with me and several of our Teen Haven teen leaders to host the event. Together we passed out over 800 flyers to the local community, and many children, teens and families came out for the events. Later that same week, we had another outreach at Bantz Park on the west side of the city.
Please pray for our outreach ministries, so we can reach these young people for Christ and continue to be salt and Light to them and their families.
Alex Mikusow, Teen Haven
Several weeks ago, at our first week of summer camp, we had 5 boys from York city make decisions to accept Christ. Three of them were in one cabin. The Jesus film helped the boys see for themselves what Jesus Christ went thru from them. Yesterday, we had Bible study for these boys and 4 out of the 5 attended. It is amazing how much they don't know about the Word of God, as we continue to teach through the Word of God.
The involvement of youth in York continues outside of camp too! Recently we partnered with a local church to put on a Youth Rally in the city. Over 20 teens from the church joined with me and several of our Teen Haven teen leaders to host the event. Together we passed out over 800 flyers to the local community, and many children, teens and families came out for the events. Later that same week, we had another outreach at Bantz Park on the west side of the city.
Please pray for our outreach ministries, so we can reach these young people for Christ and continue to be salt and Light to them and their families.
Alex Mikusow, Teen Haven
Monday, July 13, 2009
Watch... to learn about Water Street Health Services
The video below, filmed by WJTL, explores Water Street Health Services, as you hear from clients, doctors, volunteers and staff about their experiences and ways that God is working through their interactions at Water Street Ministries.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sharing Life Together
Today we loaded up our truck with furniture that a departing resident picked out. A couple guys are helping him move in as I write.
It’s been real neat getting to know him over the last couple months he worked with us. I came to appreciate his struggles and challenges more, and it’s fun to celebrate with him on getting his own place. He was smiling and wanted to be sure we were coming to pray over his new home. He may be coming back to volunteer some with us. Our lives have become better as a result of the opportunity to share life together for a short time.
It’s pretty amazing to think of the large number of people working together to make all this possible for him—counselors, furniture donors, pick up scheduler, truck driver and helper, caseworker, landlord, friends who lent listening ears, every donor who gave to his welcome home gift box, doctor, prayer warriors, and others I missed- but most of all God who orchestrates all this as a demonstration of his love and ability to redeem things that some of us would see as hopeless!!
- Dean Wenger, Redistribution Manager, Water Street Ministries

It’s pretty amazing to think of the large number of people working together to make all this possible for him—counselors, furniture donors, pick up scheduler, truck driver and helper, caseworker, landlord, friends who lent listening ears, every donor who gave to his welcome home gift box, doctor, prayer warriors, and others I missed- but most of all God who orchestrates all this as a demonstration of his love and ability to redeem things that some of us would see as hopeless!!
- Dean Wenger, Redistribution Manager, Water Street Ministries
Thursday, July 09, 2009
My Day
The computers keep freezing, why does the patient schedule not print in chronological order, we don’t have test strips for the diabetics, the copy machine isn’t fast enough and it puts lines in the copies, I don’t like it when she says that to me, well I think we should do it this way, I can’t believe she forgot what I told her, guess I’ll have to get it in writing next time, I need…, we must have…, if this keeps happening…, the refrigerator temperature is to high, we have to cancel, the part is not in, we can’t fix it….
Lord, is there anything positive to this day? I have been working since 830a and it is now 1030p & all that is racing through my brain is that everything is broken or not good enough! Why do I keep pounding my head against a wall of people that are complainers and ungrateful in a decaying world? Does anyone really care what happens to those who don’t have access to healthcare? Do You care….?
As I sit here at my desk at 1030p I am exhausted and
discouraged. Sure didn’t think that after 6 years I would be fighting some of the same battles day in and day out. Fighting often against those that are supposed to be working together to help others. Fighting against those who want to help others, but let’s not get to close to this Jesus freak perspective when we care for others.
My hearts says NO!! You Lord are the ONLY reason that I am here, the ONLY reason that I care. If I listen to those who would have me whine and complain like they do and want to not talk about Jesus too much as we care for people, I would give up immediately. You fill me with your love for others, You fill me with your sweet presence, You fill me with your joy that doesn’t depend on my circumstances or what is going right or what is broken.
I was whiney, broken and ungrateful and You died for me anyway and loved me with a love that is beyond my comprehension. Why do I keep serving day after day? Because Jesus lives within me and I am serving Him. When I am weak, He is strong! So may I boast in my times of weakness, pain and tears, for that is when He does a mighty work, in me and in others around me. As I speak to the Lord He brings to mind His words of truth and comfort. Thank-you Lord!
Oh yeah…
Lord, is there anything positive to this day? I have been working since 830a and it is now 1030p & all that is racing through my brain is that everything is broken or not good enough! Why do I keep pounding my head against a wall of people that are complainers and ungrateful in a decaying world? Does anyone really care what happens to those who don’t have access to healthcare? Do You care….?
As I sit here at my desk at 1030p I am exhausted and
My hearts says NO!! You Lord are the ONLY reason that I am here, the ONLY reason that I care. If I listen to those who would have me whine and complain like they do and want to not talk about Jesus too much as we care for people, I would give up immediately. You fill me with your love for others, You fill me with your sweet presence, You fill me with your joy that doesn’t depend on my circumstances or what is going right or what is broken.
I was whiney, broken and ungrateful and You died for me anyway and loved me with a love that is beyond my comprehension. Why do I keep serving day after day? Because Jesus lives within me and I am serving Him. When I am weak, He is strong! So may I boast in my times of weakness, pain and tears, for that is when He does a mighty work, in me and in others around me. As I speak to the Lord He brings to mind His words of truth and comfort. Thank-you Lord!
Oh yeah…
- The baby with diaper rash is now not crying so loud due to the healing balm you provided for me to smooth over the painful blisters.
- The Spanish woman with eyes wide with fear due to pain in her belly and fear of getting her blood drawn, yet as I speak your calming words to her she begins to smile and relax, You have her.
- The middle aged, graying gentleman looks so sad, he’s not sure he wants to keep living, does he have a plan to kill himself – No, will he be safe if we let him go home, yes, for he is grateful that someone finally stopped to listen to him, is he going crazy, no, he has had a day like mine, Lord thanks for passing on to him your hope.
- The young angry man broke his hand a couple of weeks ago by punching a wall, better than punching a person, now he is in daily pain, splint and some pain pills, an x-ray and a touch of truth as to why he punched the wall and why is he so angry that he hurts himself and others. He leaves calmer than when he arrives.
As I think about those I have touched and who have touched me today…Oh yeah, now I remember Lord why I do this day in and day out, You show up!
- Gale Thomason, Executive Director, Water Street Health Services
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Teen Haven Summer Camp 2009 - Has Begun!
The first week of Teen Haven Summer Camp was on July 22-26 - here are some details from the week:
There were 20 young men (Ages 9-11 yrs) - many broken hearts, broken spirits and scarred bodies. There were 7 who had never been to Teen Haven Camp before, of which 4 came to the Lord. During the week, 11 youth made decisions to accept the Lord, and each were issued birth certificates with their names signed by the interns, and had their picture taken. At the end of the summer the certificates will be mailed to every youth who came to the Lord this summer. This will be a beautiful reminder of their decisions this summer.
God worked powerfully throughout the week, in the hearts of the youth. Here are some stories...
There were 20 young men (Ages 9-11 yrs) - many broken hearts, broken spirits and scarred bodies. There were 7 who had never been to Teen Haven Camp before, of which 4 came to the Lord. During the week, 11 youth made decisions to accept the Lord, and each were issued birth certificates with their names signed by the interns, and had their picture taken. At the end of the summer the certificates will be mailed to every youth who came to the Lord this summer. This will be a beautiful reminder of their decisions this summer.
God worked powerfully throughout the week, in the hearts of the youth. Here are some stories...
- One boy, sat in front of the chapel attentively. The Lord was really dealing with his heart. Thursday right before dinner he came up to me and said, "Mr. Vin, when I was in the pool, I just couldn't stop thinking about Jesus. You know, I decided to sacrifice my life to Him."What a wonderful way to describe salvation.

- Another youth’s cabin won the quiz down word game. The winning cabin earns a pizza. As the cabin was partaking in the pizza, he sat with head down weeping. When approached, he shared something very special. He lifted up his head and said, "I can't eat this pizza. It's not fair to the others that didn't win. Why can't they all share in the pizza? The entire cabin stopped and marvel at this young man's compassion for the others. His gentle spirit blessed our hearts.
- Finally, before the campers went home, each one got a blue T-shirt with the camp theme “I AM STRONGER IN HIM,” written on the front. As the campers left on Friday morning, they all had their shirts on, and it looked like a wave of blue shirts, heading out to Philadelphia and York. Pray that the youth will continue to step out with the knowledge that they are STRONG IN HIM.
- Vinny Mikusow, Field Director, Teen Haven Camp
- Finally, before the campers went home, each one got a blue T-shirt with the camp theme “I AM STRONGER IN HIM,” written on the front. As the campers left on Friday morning, they all had their shirts on, and it looked like a wave of blue shirts, heading out to Philadelphia and York. Pray that the youth will continue to step out with the knowledge that they are STRONG IN HIM.
- Vinny Mikusow, Field Director, Teen Haven Camp
Teen Haven,
Teen Haven Camp,
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Little Blessings

In the past few months, since the birth of the newest child, the older daughter seems to be taking more responsibility. The other day Mindy* wasn’t running around the dining hall, instead I saw her carefully carrying a full tray to the table. Her sweet little face was focused in concentration as she walked cautiously as to not spill its contents. It was a big help to her mom who had a stroller to push and other lunch items to carry. It’s great to see that God is working in Mindy’s* life to bless her mom.
*name changed
- Emily Towers, Water Street Mission
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