Lord, is there anything positive to this day? I have been working since 830a and it is now 1030p & all that is racing through my brain is that everything is broken or not good enough! Why do I keep pounding my head against a wall of people that are complainers and ungrateful in a decaying world? Does anyone really care what happens to those who don’t have access to healthcare? Do You care….?
As I sit here at my desk at 1030p I am exhausted and
My hearts says NO!! You Lord are the ONLY reason that I am here, the ONLY reason that I care. If I listen to those who would have me whine and complain like they do and want to not talk about Jesus too much as we care for people, I would give up immediately. You fill me with your love for others, You fill me with your sweet presence, You fill me with your joy that doesn’t depend on my circumstances or what is going right or what is broken.
I was whiney, broken and ungrateful and You died for me anyway and loved me with a love that is beyond my comprehension. Why do I keep serving day after day? Because Jesus lives within me and I am serving Him. When I am weak, He is strong! So may I boast in my times of weakness, pain and tears, for that is when He does a mighty work, in me and in others around me. As I speak to the Lord He brings to mind His words of truth and comfort. Thank-you Lord!
Oh yeah…
- The baby with diaper rash is now not crying so loud due to the healing balm you provided for me to smooth over the painful blisters.
- The Spanish woman with eyes wide with fear due to pain in her belly and fear of getting her blood drawn, yet as I speak your calming words to her she begins to smile and relax, You have her.
- The middle aged, graying gentleman looks so sad, he’s not sure he wants to keep living, does he have a plan to kill himself – No, will he be safe if we let him go home, yes, for he is grateful that someone finally stopped to listen to him, is he going crazy, no, he has had a day like mine, Lord thanks for passing on to him your hope.
- The young angry man broke his hand a couple of weeks ago by punching a wall, better than punching a person, now he is in daily pain, splint and some pain pills, an x-ray and a touch of truth as to why he punched the wall and why is he so angry that he hurts himself and others. He leaves calmer than when he arrives.
As I think about those I have touched and who have touched me today…Oh yeah, now I remember Lord why I do this day in and day out, You show up!
- Gale Thomason, Executive Director, Water Street Health Services
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