Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Urban Youth involved at Teen Haven York

Alex Mikusow is the Field Director of Teen Haven in York. Here, he shares a little bit about what God has been doing in the lives of the urban youth who are connected to the ministry of Teen Haven:

Several weeks ago, at our first week of summer camp, we had 5 boys from York city make decisions to accept Christ. Three of them were in one cabin. The Jesus film helped the boys see for themselves what Jesus Christ went thru from them. Yesterday, we had Bible study for these boys and 4 out of the 5 attended. It is amazing how much they don't know about the Word of God, as we continue to teach through the Word of God.

The involvement of youth in York continues outside of camp too! Recently we partnered with a local church to put on a Youth Rally in the city. Over 20 teens from the church joined with me and several of our Teen Haven teen leaders to host the event. Together we passed out over 800 flyers to the local community, and many children, teens and families came out for the events. Later that same week, we had another outreach at Bantz Park on the west side of the city.

Please pray for our outreach ministries, so we can reach these young people for Christ and continue to be salt and Light to them and their families.

Alex Mikusow, Teen Haven

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