We took the necessary corrective action for his harsh words, and he took the rest of the week to take inventory of his actions, the consequences and the pain caused by his words. What he realized even more was his need for someone that could help him in this area. Thursday he found that One. He accepted the Lord as his Savior and made things right with all of us.
My concern was for making things right with the lady and her husband. I prayed and asked the Lord to reveal these folks. On Friday morning, I took the guys out for a wagon ride and told the guys to look for a dog that would resemble the one the lady was walking. Just as we thought the cause was lost, a young man spotted the dog and pointed to a house.
That evening I visited the house and met the lady and her husband. I expressed my apology and asked for forgiveness. They shrugged it off as typical for kids in today’s society. I told them how the Lord used all this to instruct the young man and help him realize the pain of such words but most importantly that he found his cure in Jesus. He got saved Thursday night and expressed a heart of restitution. He apologized for his actions to all and included them in this apology. They were both very moved and expressed a joy in hearing this turn of events. They thank me for sharing with them the rest of the story. In all things He is to be glorified. He was! };-))
- Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Field Director
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