Wednesday, August 05, 2009

NEW Art Exhibit - Debuting at First Friday

Homeless children’s art answers ‘What is Home?’
The Water Street Mission exhibit debuts for First Friday

Art composed by nine homeless children living at the Water Street Mission will debut publicly at Prince Street Café, 15 N Prince Street, August 7 for First Friday.

The children created drawings to answer the question, ‘What is home?’ in conjunction with a Water Street Mission ceremony in May to celebrate over fifty men, women and families who had moved out of homelessness.

“The children’s drawings depict simple messages of love, family and faith,” said Maria Schaszberger, director of communications at Water Street Ministries. “The exhibit shows that moving out of homelessness involves more than finding a house,” she said.

The Water Street Mission is a division of Water Street Ministries that serves the homeless in Lancaster County.

The exhibit will be on display at Prince Street Cafe through September. It’s the second art exhibit created by clients living at the Water Street Mission. The first exhibit debuted in December at the Prince Street Café and has been on display at various churches and businesses, including August showings at Manor Brethren in Christ Church and West End Mennonite Church.

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