Listen to some of the memories and encounters from the first weekend at Teen Haven Camp for Girls in 2010….We shared in a weekend of fun - One specific highlight was on Saturday night at the PJ party, where the girls enjoyed a game called “Move It or Lose It.” Oddet Mears, the Philadelphia Girls Program Coordinator shared that, “
The supervisors did a great job at running the activities at the PJ party. These leaders are growing up so fast, and are maturing into spiritual young women. As I observed the leaders and the campers it is amazing to see them growing up right before your eyes. I often I think, I remember when they came many years ago…but look at them now!!!!” At camp, leaders and first time campers have a dynamic opportunity to grow and develop together as they learn about themselves and encounter the beauty of camp, and presence of God sometimes for the very first time!
We shared in a weekend of transformation – Another highlight of the weekend was experienced on Saturday night, when the girls were able to view the Christmas Cantata celebration from Mt. Zion Baptist Church. This cantata was recorded during the weekend of the major snowstorm on December 18-20, when girls camp needed to be canceled. It was neat how even after the New Year has begun, this Christmas celebration still captured the hearts of the girls, and 4 young ladies came to the Lord at the conclusion of the play. In the words of Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Field Director, “
There is no cancelations of eternal things with the Lord.”
We shared in a weekend of personal growth and sharing - Nina Maldonado, the Lancaster Girls Program Coordinator, had countless opportunities to walk with many of the girls through the challenges and struggles that they needed support with. Each of these times of sharing and breakthrough, were answers to prayer! Nina also shared her highlight, and the joy she had watching one of the girls as she stepped up as, “
a leader, a peacemaker, and an encourager!”
Please join us in praying that God would continue to guide and direct the hearts and identities of each of the girls, as they continue to learn and grow together. Pray that they would continue to remember their Identity in Christ and choose to live for Him!