Many thanks to Jennifer, a volunteer, who lead the poetry class where the following poem was composed:
Prison Cries
By Dymphna, client, Lydia Center
As I was led into the prison of my own making
This time it was not only in my mind.
It seemed death had reached up and took hold of me
Leaving me incapable of calling for help –
Who would hear? Who would care?
What was this place that I had become?
Had death shown his face without the grave?
Uncertainty was my clothing, darkness my sight.
I laid in a weight unknown to me,
Through small openings in doors of steel
The sounds echoed like raging storms.
Eyes like china dolls looked back at me,
China faces in shadows of gray.
Silent prison cries desperately seeking –
Where is my Savior?
(Poem 5 of 6)
I love the poetry! How wonderful that they can get in touch with and express their feelings as they go through the process of learning who God is. May He be praised!
(Just a thought: I think the program/volunteer should be posted after the poetry and not before.)
Thanks so much for your feedback!
Glad that you have been encouraged by these poetry pieces from the women at the Lydia Center. It is amazing how encountering God through art and expression can often be an outlet for healing and joy. Blessings to you.
- Janae Dagen, Teen Haven secretary at Water Street Ministries
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