Listening in on conversations, I can hear our students talk about themselves, about the program…(quote “this is revolutionary stuff I am learning here”).. and about their relationship with God. In response I am hearing words from the MU students like “you are such an inspiration” and “I never really thought about it that way before”. Great conversations and great relationships are being developed. As we approach the lunch break, it is hard to stop some of our men from talking. GOD IS GOOD!
Some words from our students… “I was actually dreading this, but it was OK!” And “That kid was cool, man!” Another student struggled a little, “That was a little too personal,” but he did it anyway. This is a stretching, growing experience for him. Another said, “It took me back to my college days” and it seemed to be a good memory for him.
This is an ongoing course, and we look forward to seeing relationships develop and continue beyond the 6 class sessions that have been assigned for this project.
Sue Pearce • Learning Center Instructor
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