Wednesday, October 18, 2006

God's abundance

“God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory”

We here at the Water Street Rescue Mission Foodservice Department get to see much of the first hand provision of God almost every week. So much so that it is easy to take for granted and not give him the glory he deserves. Ninety percent of the food that we use to serve the 400-450 meals per day to men, women and children is donated. That food comes from local businesses, organizations, and many individuals. Some of those are weekly donations, but also there are those that just give one time. Every donation we consider a gift from God.

Often we are surprised by God’s timing of donations. Last week we marveled at a couple of such instances. On Friday morning, I told one of the gentlemen that is in the program here that it would be nice to get some bananas in so we could make some banana bread. Three hours later in came 3 cases of bananas.

Also the chef (George Eckman) and I were discussing how we could make our large abundance of potato salad available to people in need in our community. Our concerns were with the size of packaging and sanitation of the product. Well, with the same shipment of bananas, we received 28 cases of small one pound packages of potato salad. EXACTLY WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT.

There have been so many instances like this here in the time I have been here that it would take pages to describe all of them. We are so blessed in this area and we believe that the more we give, the more God will supply.

“For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.” Isaiah 64:3

Thank you and remember He Loves you.

- Steve Hackman, Food Service Manager

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