Thursday, October 19, 2006


Just looking at the “Purpose Driven Life” this morning and thinking a bit about trust. Rick Warren talks about Noah in Chapter 9 – how Noah pleased God because of his faithfulness. Wow! Noah was asked to build the Queen Mary in the middle of the desert and then to fill it with animals – and he did it without complaining.

Imagine any of us being asked to do such a thing. What questions would we have of God? Where am I going to get the supplies or the $$$ to buy them, and how will I ever round up all those animals? Who’s going to help build this thing? And, won’t I look stupid if it doesn’t rain? And, I suppose You want me to quit my job so I can do this? Then, how will I get the $$$ to buy those animals? God, do you know how much a parrot costs? Besides, I’m too old to start such a project – and God, You know how bad my back is! Isn’t there someone else?

Essentially, our question would be, “Can I really trust you to provide all that is needed for so great a task?”

But Noah did according to all that the LORD commanded him. AND – Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters were on the earth (Genesis 7:5-6).

Lord God, You’ve never asked me to build an ark, a row boat, or even a raft. You’ve never asked me to gather animals from all over the earth. In fact, you haven’t asked me to do anything that you haven’t equipped me to do. You’ve put me in a place where I can share you every day with hurting women and you provide all that I need to do that. Thank you for the privilege of being your child and doing your will. Help me to daily - joyfully - give my life to You for whatever You ask. I trust you, Father.

Lord, I offer my life to You – everything I’ve been through.
Use it for Your glory -
Lord, I offer my days to You – all of my praise to You.
As a living sacrifice –
Lord, I offer You my life.

- Vicki Bollman, Women’s Counselor

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