Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Come as a child, pt 2

I’m trying to resist the urge to be a detective. Many days I am confronted by a unique resident’s story that seems totally plausible. And I find myself having to weigh his words and evaluate whether I’m hearing truth or not. And I don’t want to be a cop because quite frankly I didn’t come to the mission to be a cop and pretty much every one I run into is smarter than I am! So where does that leave me?

I need to become like a child.

Imagine living life as a child might! Imagine laughing as though for the first time. Or crying with no concern about what others are thinking. Imagine loving without reservation. Or speaking instantly and openly. Or being fascinated without any cynicism. Imagine being amazed with no doubts. Or trusting without concern.

I am reminded of how Jesus encouraged us to become like a child! He welcomed children to his lap and treated them with great tenderness and drew attention to their native qualities. And with His example I can lay aside my impulse to be a detective. Some guys have and will ‘get over’ on me. Many will talk faster, argue harder, and debate better than I! And that’s okay! Success here is not about how slick I am nor how often I can lay out a superior argument in a discussion but how much like a child I can be as I live for my Father. It is when I am, and we are – childlike – that God will be most evident.

Lord, help me to be less childish and more childlike.

- Steve Brubaker, Residential Ministries

Friday, December 15, 2006

God's provision

Once again, we are amazed at how God provides - and reassures us that He is in control.

We were greatly blessed when, after putting out a plea before Thanksgiving that we were low on turkeys as we approached our two large giveaways (Thanksgiving and Christmas), God provided more than enough through his people. When the counting was done, we had over 3000 turkeys to use for our food box giveaway programs in partnership with local churches, and to use for meals throughout the year. We were even able to share the blessing with other ministries that help families in need in our community.

This week, we became aware of the fact that City Team Ministries in Chester (a ministry similar to Water Street that we have some contact with) was facing a shortage of turkeys and food for their holiday food program. We quickly decided to share what God had blessed us with in order to help our fellow ministers care for their community... but after evaluating where this left our supplies, we realized that we had begun to deplete what we had hoped to keep and use throughout the year for our services at Water Street. Problem was, the truck from City Team was on its way, and we could not go back on our commitment to help an immediate need in order to maintain what we felt was a needed surplus - it didn't seem right to any of us.

Enter God... while we were awaiting the arrival of the truck from City Team to pick up 210 turkeys, Steve Hackman received a phone call from a local church telling us that they would like to donate 200 turkeys and 50 hams (we will pick them up next Friday).

God is good. And we are blessed to serve him along with each of you.

-Jack, Steve, and Maurice, Outreach Ministries and Food Service

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Where are the parents?

I found this in some old papers. I wrote it a long time ago. Though it is not even good as poetry goes, it does convey very well life at my house at 5 years old.

Raised on TV

Peter was flying; Wendy was smiling and happy.
Daddy was yelling.
Howdy told jokes; we all watched cartoons.
Mommy was screaming at Daddy.
Beanie and Cecil chased Dishonest John; Nell was kissing Dudley’s horse.
Daddy was hitting Mommy with a stick.
Underdog was Shoeshine boy; Sweet Polly always got saved.
Daddy pulled Mommy’s hair.
Sgt. Preston of the Mounties pets King his wonder dog.
Daddy kicked Mommy on floor.
Casper was a friend to all; the Ranger wore a mask.
Daddy bled from both arms.
The Hardy boys find the treasure; Rin Tin Tin helps Rusty out.
Flashing lights? A car that screams? A bed with wheels like my wagon?
Flipper jumps so high; 86 & 99 fight Chaos for Control.
The walls were red and runny.
Annette and Cubby sing me songs, and I feel good.
I’m afraid to turn away again. Please leave the TV on.

- Aaron Eggers, Men’s Ministries

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Stories from camp

Vinny Mikusow, our Teen Haven Camp Director recently shared these stories from recent weekends at camp:

A special reminder! Charles (14) - The bus pulled in Friday night and in comes running Charles. Huffing and puffing, he slams into me, hugs me and with a smile says, “This is my first time back since summer camp. Thank you for changing my life.”

We hugged and sat down at the nearest table and made clear as to the real person involved in his changed life. He smiled and said, “I know! But thanks anyway!”

Troubled but not beyond hope! Daniel (14) - Daniel was a first timer from Lancaster. Trouble from the start. Attention-getter during chapel and into everyone’s face throughout the day. Saturday night it was suggested by a staff member that we might need to consider taking Daniel home early. The Lord has His time.

One thing after another never allowed us to make that move. Sunday morning, during our morning breakfast prayer, I noticed Charles in a different light. As I got to his table, his supervisor said that Charles had something to say. We made eye contact and with a great smile he said, “I got saved last night.” There was a change! After chapel he walked along-side of me and we chatted as brothers. A different step, a different walk, a different person. A new creature!

Rejoice with us in the work God continues to do at Teen Haven Camp and through all of Water Street's ministries.

- Jack Crowley, Teen Haven