Tuesday, January 16, 2007


As the Volunteer Coordinator, I find that I am constantly being challenged… Challenged in my faith. As part of the application process, prospective volunteers need to provide me with references. It is so encouraging and challenging to hear what these references have to say about the prospective volunteer.

I called a reference for one prospective volunteer. My first question to the reference was how she knew the prospective volunteer. She then described that they were neighbors. And more than that, they prayed together, watched each other’s children, and were great friends.

I was challenged by that conversation. After all, I moved into a new neighborhood half a year ago and have had only a couple of conversations with my neighbors. Never have I prayed with my neighbors. I would not be able to list one of my neighbors as a reference as this prospective volunteer did.

I am often challenged in other conversations with references when I ask the questions “Is ________ a Christian? How do you know?” The “how do you know” question is where I really am challenged. I get answers like, “because they keep their temper in difficult circumstances”, “they want to know and follow God’s will in every situation”, “by how they treat their family”, “they have such a concern for those who don’t know Jesus”…

I have to ask myself what people would say if they were asked how they know that I am a Christian. I hope they would know that I am a Christian! I hope that God is evident in my life. But I know that all too often I do not resemble Jesus at all.

God, thank you for these challenges that you have built into my job. Help me – help us – to live and act as your children.

- Carissa Martin, Volunteer Coordinator

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