Thursday, January 11, 2007

Where have we been?

Hey Everyone (the thousands of you who check here daily) -

If you haven't already written us off completely for not posting anything new in almost a month, you're probably wondering where we've been. Well, we've been right where we've always been... doing our best to not get in God's way (and maybe even be available for Him to use) while He works to change hearts and lives, bring sight to the blind, freedom to the captive, and hope to the lost here in Lancaster.

The reason there haven't been any recent posts is really all Jack's fault (that lazy bum). It seems that he allowed himself to get distracted by a busy December of work/family/church/holiday stuff, etc., and once you break a good habit it can sometimes be hard to restart it (if only that were true of our bad habits).

Well, starting today, you should be able to find something new on this site just about every weekday - that will be our goal. Some weeks you may only see 3 or 4 new posts, but our hope is to get back to having a new story, thought, picture, testimony, or some slice of life from here at the mission (or our other sites) each day - so check back regularly to see what God is up to here at the Water Street Rescue Mission.

Thanks for checking us out. And to learn more about who Water Street is, check out our regular website at (I think we may be seeing a transformation of that site sometime this year as well).

Peace -


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