Friday, January 12, 2007

He makes all things new

The new clinics will be opening to see our 1st patients this month. Last year we thought this day would never arrive, and now we are overwhelmed with the thousand details that are coming at us to actually get the clinics open! Lord, we are overwhelmed! The Water Street Medical and Dental Clinic staff has been meeting frequently to work out the details, but more importantly to pray! Without prayer and God’s calming, reassuring hand upon us, we would be in a panic. Each time we go to Him, and not try to do it on our own, He gives us His peace beyond understanding.

We have had so many wonderful volunteers helping us in the move. The Medical/Dental volunteers are truly demonstrating their servant hearts for Christ and others when they make the 100th trip over to the clinics carrying boxes. This is truly faith in action! Working in the warehouses to bring together all the items that have been donated to the clinics is tiring, dirty and some days cold hard work! Dean and his crews have been awesome in helping to move the furnishings & skids of supplies.

As we look at the new clinics compared to where we currently have been taking care of patients, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. He has provided for us beyond our expectations! Our current 1200 sq ft area has no separate areas for: lab, pharmacy, storage, office space, dental lab, dark room and kitchen. The new 6,000 sq ft clinics have this and more! From two exam rooms to six exam rooms, and from 2 dental operatories to 4 dental operatories. We have seen over 6,000 visits in 2006 in our small area and lives have been changed! Lord, we are excited to see what you have in store for your new clinic. With Christmas like anticipation we wait upon you!

The connection to this time of year is perfect! As He makes a new clinic we are remembering how He came to earth as a tiny baby Jesus, so that we can have new life! As we open the new clinics in 2007 we know that He will be there to make our patient’s hearts and lives new. All we have to do is ask for His help. I love the words of Jesus when He says we do not have, because we do not ask. He never forces anyone to follow Him or listen to Him.
Even thought He knows perfectly what we need and what is best for us. Choices, choices, choices…

We know we cannot open the new clinics without Him and so we are asking, Lord, please lead the way & we will follow. In the days ahead we will have great need for many more medical dental volunteers, and the funds to cover the clinic operations. May he touch the hearts to serve as Dr’s, dentists, nurses, hygienists, dental assistants, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, registrars, data entry, physical therapists, social workers, housekeepers, counselors…. And we are open Lord to whomever you bring to do your work in your clinics!

Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Born…the Savior of the World!

Merry Christmas from the Water Street Clinic staff!
- Gale Thomason, Executive Director, Water Street Clinics

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