Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A day in the life of Water Street volunteers…

Water Street is a place where you can go to feel happiness and love coming off everyone’s face. Ever since our mom got a job at Water Street we have wanted to volunteer.

Before we came to Water Street we knew that something was missing in our lives. We didn’t quite know what. When our mom got the job at Water Street we knew that volunteer work was our calling from God. We have come down to Water Street frequently and we love it. The atmosphere at Water Street just puts a smile on your face and a feeling of joy in your heart.

We have helped out at many of the events at Water Street. We helped face paint at the Open House and had a memorable time. We also enjoyed everything about working at the Golf Tournament. Everything except for the fact that we woke up at 5:30 in the morning!

Working with the people at Water Street have helped us look at people differently. It has also given our hearts a boost for caregiving for the rest of our lives.

- Naomi and Esther, age 14

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