Monday, July 23, 2007


Philippians 4:19—But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

According to Strong’s Greek dictionary, the word “supply” here means: to make replete, that is to … satisfy… accomplish… (be) complete… fill (up)… perfect.

I am constantly amazed at the way God acts to “supply” the needs of Water Street Rescue Mission. In the few short months that I’ve been here, I’ve seen many examples of God providing according to His riches, including the following unsolicited contributions:

  • Sarah, a woman who called me to verify the validity of a fundraising project she had read about and ended up donating to that project
  • An offer from an individual to donate a washer/dryer pair, which was until then an unmet need at the Lydia Center.
  • An offer from a local truck maintenance shop to provide maintenance and inspections for our large fleet vehicles.
  • Several vehicles donated to the Mission by community members. These donations have allowed us to provide transportation for clients as well as staff job-related travel.
  • Individuals and groups coming together to provide new roofs for several of our Teen Haven Camp buildings.
  • A consistent supply of volunteers that provide much-appreciated and critical assistance with facility maintenance, food & clothes sorting, kitchen duties, and many other tasks.
  • A camp called asking if we could donate mattresses to them. At the time, we did not have enough to fill the needs of the camp as well as our own, but we gave them as many as we could. Shortly thereafter, we received a donation of over 100 mattresses! (See Who do these mattresses belong to anyway? , posted on the blog on June 13).
  • Groups from local churches that have pulled together to meet needs, such as the church group that is currently working on redoing our Men’s Emergency Shelter ceiling.

One of the great things about working here is seeing the hand of God daily in the way he sends “supplies” to us and helps us meet the needs of our clients.

-Scooter Haase, Director of Operations

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