Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Real people

As a volunteer in women’s ministries, I assist counselors in the evening. Simple tasks like marking off each woman when she checks in for the evening or getting sheets and towels for a new resident allow me to slowly build relationships. It also gives me a chance to simply hang out with real people who happen to be homeless.

Last night when one resident checked in for the evening, her makeup was smeared and her eyes were red. I knew that she could have quite a temper, so at first I simply greeted her and did the necessary paperwork. Later I had a chance to talk to her briefly and learn just a bit of her pain. She has a 6-month old daughter who was taken away by Children and Youth. Her 2-year-old daughter, who she hasn’t seen for about a year and a half, is living with her sister. Someone at work that night apparently knew these facts and others, and made some harsh comments. The truth often hurts. At just 22, this young lady is experiencing a lot of guilt. I’m not sure that she sees her life in God’s perspective – that she is His beautiful creation, that He loves her and has actually already cancelled her sin if she’ll only believe.

So much of her life is ahead of her… plenty of time to fix things and still be a mother to her children. Please pray she will not give up. Pray she will fall in love with Jesus and never let go. And as she’s on this journey, pray for the staff and volunteers who interact with her…that we may offer real help that will empower not enable.

- Maria Ream, Development Department

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