Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's not about me!

God has been impressing upon my heart a lesson that I need to be taught again and again - that it is NOT about me! That it was never about me and its never going to be about me.

Sometimes my job as volunteer coordinator is hard and forces me to step out of my comfort zone, do things that annoy me or stress me out. The selfish person in me usually wants to throw in the towel at that point. But if for even a split second I slow down and listen to the small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to me, I hear that He brought me to the Mission not to serve me, make me happy or comfortable, but lo and behold, to serve others and USE ME - the sinner that I am!

I praise Him that He never gives up on us or gets tired of speaking the same message with us again and again. He is long suffering and full of mercy.

-Cheryl Wahlberg, Volunteer Coordinator

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