Monday, May 05, 2008

Praises from the Family Shelter

Just before Christmas we opened the door to the Family Shelter. The Family Shelter was developed during our most recent major renovations of the Prince Street campus in response to the changing face of homelessness that we encounter every day. In recent years the population of homeless families has been growing... and by "families" we mean single mothers with children, single fathers with children, and intact families (with both mom and dad).

Prior to the opening of the Family Shelter we were pretty much unable to serve intact families, fathers with young children, and mothers with older boys (above 12 yrs). We would do our best to find ways to accomodate or help, but we were not set up to serve these families.

Daral Boles our Director of Women's and Family Ministries recently passed along some exciting news:

Just wanted to let everyone know we have our first SINGLE FATHER in the family shelter. He has two children with him—a 16-year-old son and 1 ½ year old daughter. Please pray with and for us as we learn how to address the unique problems of this type of family group. We now have all three types present—husband and wife with children, single mom with teenage boys, and single dad with children—for whom this shelter was designed.

Also wanted to let you know that our “first” family, Barbara Gonzalez and her 6 children, will be leaving us on Thursday for a home of their own. Praise God with us!

Daral and Gentine

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