Wednesday, April 29, 2009

“It’s Not Dark Yet but It’s Getting There”

The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! Romans 13:12a (The Message)
Song to reflect upon:

Eight of our residential men have died in the last 3½ years. Some lived on this campus; others had moved out. Each had a degree of relationship with us, with the Lord and with recovery. Several relapsed, one committed suicide, all died deaths hastened by a long history of abuse and destructive choices. Their deaths brought sadness to our community.

I am hopeful that the reality of their deaths will also bring a sense of urgency to both staff and the residents still living here. Not an urgency springing from desperation but a resolve to put aside anything that would distract us from what’s vital.

Do our residents understand how fragile life is – how it could end at any time? Are our staff members willing to lay aside anything – agenda, theological non-essentials, ego, fear, personal comfort – in their desire to remove relational barriers with the people who live here? Because hope for living and for heaven comes only from God as He works through relationships with Himself and through others.

How easy it is to be diverted from the life-giving capacity of the gospel when its truth is blurred by arguments about non-essentials of the Christian life.
Death is real and should sober us. Bob Dylan’s lyric, ‘it’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there,’ well describes the inevitable death that ends a difficult life. We are all moving toward physical death the timing of which is truly in God’s hands. And it is only the gospel – shared by those who are also dying – that can bring life.

The night is progressing. But the night will give way to the dawn! As Bruce Cockburn sings, ‘joy will find a way.’ May we be fervent and urgent in our love for each other!

“Lord, help me to lay aside my agenda and allow your heart for others to grip me.

-Steve Brubaker, Chief Vision Officer for Water Street Ministries

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