Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Staff are ministered to as well...

Working here at the Water Street has touched me in so many ways. I have been blessed just by being able to help others here. My home life is so much better, at least from my perspective. I have grown immensely in Christ and have become a better person myself.

I believe that Water Street Ministries not only helps the homeless and those who are “down on their luck”, but the ministries here also enable people to help themselves. I have been able to see more of the “big picture”, and understand it is not about what we want. It is all about God and his will.

Being able to talk with a few of the men and women here and develop a bit of a relationship with them, I have been able to see the understanding that others have as well. When they are learning and progressing through the programs it can be hard to see the big picture, but it is so rewarding to hear their stories at graduation and see how far they have come.

God, I just thank you for the awesome opportunity to be able to work in such a blessed place. Thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and everything you have planned. You are all knowing and we trust in you for everything….AMEN

-Michael Redcay, IT Department

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