Monday, December 21, 2009

You won’t get what you want but you will get me!

Sometimes we can drift as an organization and as individuals to think we don’t need God. The building of the Tower of Babel as described in Genesis 11 pictures a people eager to demonstrate the power of their collective unity rather than in God. So God chose to confuse the people’s language so they couldn’t understand each other forcing them to disperse into different people groups! God knew their heart was bent toward trusting in themselves; so He scattered them showing the need to rely on Him and Him alone. What they wanted – power from their collective wisdom apart from God – wasn’t what God wanted.

Isn’t it interesting that God doesn’t always give us what we want – but we can be confident that we will ‘get Him.’ And we can be certain that His agenda will go forward – with or without us!

Steve Brubaker – Chief Vision Officer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting blog
God bless you