Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lititz Area Mennonite teams up for Teen Haven

Teen Haven has been so blessed by the creativity and support of the students at Lititz Area Mennonite School! This Christmas their 3rd grade students joined together to help provide needed games and sports equipment for our ministry. Two classes teamed up and worked hard to raise money for these gifts through all sorts of tasks. Some students washed dishes, raked leaves, and so much more – all so that they could be a part of providing these special gifts to the youth of Teen Haven.

And, in addition to these gifts each student also made their own Christmas card. Their handwritten cards contained beautiful drawings, handwritten notes, and scriptures for our youth. Within these cards many students shared their excitement and awe of Christ's gift of being born for our salvation - it was clear that they wanted all of our youth to grasp this life changing reality. What a special gift to have 3rd grade testimonies to share with our youth, as they too seek after Christ!

One of the teachers shared that, “Our Christmas service project is a very special time of the year for our third grade students at Lititz Area Mennonite. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about the true meaning of giving. The students worked hard to earn money to buy games and sports equipment for Teen Haven. After the students raised the money they were able to choose which gift they would like to buy for Teen Haven."
Katie Shenk
Lititz Area Mennonite School
3rd Grade Teacher

As these young students worked so hard to bless Teen Haven they demonstrated a sacrificial love that we believe will shine Christ’s love into our city programs and at camp. We pray God’s blessing on the ministry at Lititz Area Mennonite School, and to these students as they continue to learn and grow throughout this New Year!

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