Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Lydia Center

Last week at lunch the ladies gave the Lydia Center Staff a Christmas present – it was a song to the tune of 12 days of Christmas! I've included the lyrics below for you to enjoy!

I had asked the ladies what was different about this Christmas, and some of the answers I received were “this is the first Christmas I am not dreading”, “this is the first Christmas I have peace”, “this is the first Christmas in 10 years that I will be clean and sober”, “this is the first Christmas that I have joy” and “this is the first time I’m spending Christmas with people I love and who love me”.

At Lydia Center we had our “family time” on Christmas morning opening gifts that the body of Christ has provided for them and then cooked and enjoyed Christmas dinner together.

So from our home to yours – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Melissa Alcorn • Executive Director

12 Days At Lydia Center
On the first day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
Jakey with a snotty nose

On the second day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the third day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the fourth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the fifth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the sixth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the seventh day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the eighth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the ninth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the tenth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
10 loving staff
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the eleventh day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
11 chapters of heart-work
10 loving staff
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the twelfth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
12 self evals
11 chapters of heart-work
10 loving staff
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose


Anonymous said...

awesome, Lydia Center!! just what Christmas--a Real Christ-centered Christmas--should look like! and a well written song!!

Water Street Life said...

We agree - the ladies creativity in this song was so much fun! Thanks for your support and blessings to you in this New Year!