We play a little flag football at the Mission during the fall of each year. The park behind the Mission has an athletic field that is convenient. Once a week maybe 6 to 12 residents from the men’s program convene. We warm up, divide up teams, put on the flag belts, and go at it for about an hour of good-natured play. I serve as the ref. Occasionally a chaplain or other staff member will join in.
One day a fellow who appeared in his 40’s came to play. It was obvious he had played football in his day, but was now a bit rusty and creaky after a number of years off. On the receiving end of pass routes, he caught everything that came his way. He pulled a hamstring near the end of the game that set him down. After the game I told him, “It looks like you’ve played before.” He cracked an embarrassed smile and let on, “Yes, I’ve played.” His girlfriend chimed in, “He played in the NFL.” In fact, we learned that he played for a couple years for two teams.
It got me thinking… We see folks from all walks of life come through the Mission… and backgrounds that do not fit neatly into the stereotyped category of “homeless”: former successful careers, advanced degrees, loving/caring families, church-going upbringing. I am tempted to think about such fortunate folks that “if they can’t stay on the straight and narrow, then who can”. And, the answer I am reminded is that in fact no one can, not even the most blessed of backgrounds. It is God’s work to keep us in his care and draw us to himself.
The one common denominator of guests at our Mission is a need that only God can fill. We are trusting God to give us wisdom concerning the communication of His love, and the way if His Kingdom in the lives of the men, women and children who come through.
-Steve Gentino, CFO
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