Thursday, May 25, 2006


“The world breaks us all and some become stronger at the broken places” (Ernest Hemmingway).

Here at the Water Street Rescue Mission, we are a refuge; “a source of help, relief, and comfort in times of trouble”. An endless stream of the humbled flow through our open doors and yet, our constant dilemma is finding those who are actually broken. Though we offer provision to the many, we can only genuinely aid the broken; they alone have what it takes to become stronger at their broken places.

Doug is one of the broken. After completely destroying his life and exhausting his available work-related rehab options, he somehow found his way to our doors. After nearly nine months of submitting to our precious Jesus, Doug’s life is being restored. His family is again opening their arms to him, his railroad career is miraculously being restored, and his sweet Afton (11 years old) is cautiously looking forward to being embraced by her genuinely loving daddy. Doug continues his quest for Christ-like vulnerability and accountability. Last evening, I accompanied Doug to an AA meeting. What a Joy it was to see a formerly hardened old railroader softly asking for, and offering, genuinely intimate fellowship. Doug is becoming stronger at his broken places.

Ron is embracing brokenness. A former missionary to Africa; his marriage gone; his parents recently deceased; Ron crawled through our doors. It has been no small struggle for him to overcome the shame accompanying once ministering for Christ and walking away for a synthetic high. Lately, Ron has been expanding his accountability; painstakingly removing lies and codependent ways of relating from his life. Yesterday, Ron came to discuss his plan for lovingly setting good boundaries in a formerly sick, long-term friendship. Ron is becoming stronger at his broken places.

Then there’s Don, who recently surrendered his life to our precious Jesus and who took a great risk of being transparent in one of yesterday’s classes. And there’s Paul Jay, who has stepped into intimacy with Christ, new friends, and with his Godly calling. And, last but not least, there’s Bill whose stated goal is to make people smile and thus “lift someone else above the emptiness of their unbearable life...” …more men becoming stronger at their broken places.

My days are full, at this refuge called the Water Street Rescue Mission. Being broken is a wonderful privilege, bestowed by our loving God on those He greatly loves. I, too, am becoming stronger at my broken places and daily pray that I will be changed into what I was created to be…

- Norm Lowry, Men's Ministry Intern

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow Norm that was wonderful and wonderfully written (hope you keep writing them) So true of the men you mentioned. How I long to see them make it!!!!!!! I also see such potential in them. Isn't it awesome to serve the Lord here???? CA