Thursday, June 01, 2006

Do I love you?

In my life here at the mission I am learning many truths about myself. Some things I thought were true I find were not. I sometimes use words I think I know the meanings of, but I really only know part of their meaning.

Take the word “Love” for example. When I say “I love you” to someone, what do I really mean? Am I saying I like you, you make me feel good, I want you to like me, I lust for you? Or am I saying I am willing to do anything to bring you true happiness even if it causes me pain?

God loves me so much that he sacrificed his only son on the cross to pay for my sins so I can live forever with him in heaven.

I know now that Love is not something you say. Love is something you do. If I say I love you and don’t do anything to meet your needs or help you in your struggles then I don’t really love you. If I say to God, “I love you,” but don’t try to live my life for him then I don’t really love God. If I don’t put my brothers needs before my own I’m not loving my brother.

I hope someone tells you they love you today.

- Lane R (a resident)

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