Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What if I don't feel forgiven?

Today's post comes from a member our Lancaster Teen Haven program. Nate is 14 years old and has been coming to Teen Haven for about 2 years. He is a mature young man with great potential who the staff count it a "privilege" to be training up as a leader.

Many times, we have trouble letting go of the past experiences in our lives. Instead of receiving God’s forgiveness, we try to work for it and still wonder why those “old tapes” play in our heads. Why is it so hard to be free from the past?

Overcoming guilt has been a struggle for me. When I was thirteen years old, something I did (regrettably) stayed with me for a long time. I had a hard time believing that the Blood of Jesus was all that I needed for an eraser, to rid me of that blemish on my record. Sure, I understood that the Word of God was all truth, but it didn’t feel like it. It wasn’t until I realized what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross and understood the true forgiveness given to me through a relationship with Him. It wasn’t about feelings anymore, it was about Truth.

I now know the importance of prayer and standing on His Holy Word, when I don’t feel forgiven. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reads that “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has came.” Praise God for that.

-Nathaniel, Lancaster Teen Haven

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