Here I sit in my office contemplating the silence. As I listen all I hear is the ticking of the clock on the wall. No sound of children laughing and playing in the “gym area” as they enjoy playtime with their friends under the watchful eye of the teachers. No cheery little voices greeting me when I walk by their classrooms. No frantic running footsteps as a child scurries down two flights of stairs to let me know her teacher needs me “right now!” No screaming and yelling from the child who can’t have his own way and who doesn’t want to listen to his teacher. None of the sounds that come with being in the presence of other people.
Yes, the school year has ended and I sit here, alone in the quiet, preparing for the next year. My mind is drawn back to the last day of school just a few short weeks ago. Several days during the week I help to supervise the lunch time and on this day, we were having a pizza party to celebrate the end of school. As the children were finishing their lunches, I took the opportunity to ask, “Who can tell me one thing they learned in school this year?” The responses were instantaneous; they all wanted an opportunity to talk. “I learned to count to 100.” “I learned all my letters.” “I can write my name now.” “I learned about Jesus.” “I learned Jesus died on the cross for us.” “I learned to know new friends.” “I learned to pray.” Then one little fellow raised his hand and when I called on him, he proudly said, “I learned about the Holy Spirit and that He lives in me and helps me in all I do.” Wow! I know a lot of Christians who haven’t gotten that lesson down yet.
As I look at the class pictures under the glass on my desk, I see faces that bring lots of memories. Faces of children who heard about Jesus for the first time in Wonder Club and who learned to worship and to pray. Faces filled with excitement as they entered each day wanting to learn. Faces of children who were shy or lonely or scared, but who found love and acceptance from their peers. Faces of those who were easy to love and those who were challenging. And I thank God for giving me the tremendous privilege to learn to know them and be a part of their lives for this short time.
-Lorraine Brandt, Wonder Club
1 comment:
I thank God for you too!
I am very sick and I need my son to go school, as I don't know if I'd be able to care for him properly and teach him everything he needs to know if he were home. So, thank you so much for being who you are! The Holy Spirit is using you right now to speak to so many, thank you!!!!
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