One of the unique marks of Teen Haven is our leadership development with youth. Each summer and throughout the year, dozens of older teens who have been discipled through our ministry serve as jr. counselors and cabin supervisors at camp. Although we have adult supervisors engaged with the kids, the teens themselves are the primary leaders and usually the ones who engage in the most meaningful ministry with the kids at camp.
This summer, we saw a number of our young leaders begin to take steps above and beyond the call of duty as camp leaders. John Schleh, our Philadelphia field director began leading a Monday night bible study for kids in the neighborhood around our Broad Street center. As the numbers grew and the teen leaders found out about it, they began to ask John if they could come on the weeks they weren’t serving at camp to help out at the Bible study.
Soon enough, John was no longer leading the bible study, but rather facilitating the evening and then splitting up the kids into groups to be led by their slightly older peers. To see young men and ladies, not only hungry to learn, but hungry to teach God’s word to others is a wonderful thing.
-Teen Haven
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